Tag Archives: vividred operation

Vividred Operation – 09

Vividred Operation - 09_01

Vividred Operation - 09_02

Vividred Operation - 09_03

Vividred Operation - 09_04

Well, who wouldn’t scout Himawari as a model?

Vividred Operation - 09_05

Mainly a character development episode this time, focusing on the friendship between Wakaba and Himawari. I really like the dynamics between these two, they’re really interesting characters.

And also because Himawari is really, really cute.

Vividred Operation - 09_06

VividBlue reappears for this week’s episode! As much as that gigantic hammer looks cool, I think I still prefer VividGreen’s massive sword or VividYellow’s beam cannon.

Also, I think the next episode’ll be on Rei. Not sure really, since I didn’t watch the preview.

Vividred Operation – 08

Vividred Operation - 08_01

Vividred Operation - 08_02

Remember that cool-looking Alone from last episode? Yeah, apparently it made an ugly cocoon around itself and evolved into an even-uglier Alone. Ew.

Vividred Operation - 08_03

So yes, the girls work together to take down the Alone. It seems that Akane’s will to take down the Alone helped to push Aoi to deliver the finishing blow on the Alone. I have no freaking idea how that works.

Looks like the arc’s over. Meh, doesn’t feel that satisfying for some reason.

But hey.

Next episode looks like it’ll be on Himawari doing a photo shoot as a model.

A hikikomori doing a photo shoot. Damn, how moe is that?!

Vividred Operation – 01

Tis' truly the the best view of the sunrise.

Tis’ truly the the best view of the sunrise.

Vividred Operation’s finally started!

Once again I’m late on this, orz (along with Vividred Radio Summary #6, but that’s another issue).

In any case.

You guys have to catch this series.

It’s amazingly glorious.

I don’t know what else to say.

The story’s amazing, the seiyuu cast is stellar and if these don’t tempt you to pick it up for at least an episode…

Vividred Operation - 01_02

This glorious transformation sequence should.

Yes, it looks a bit like Iron Man and the .gif’s rather small but HEY IT’S STILL GLORIOUS NONETHELESS.

Vividred Operation - 01_03

And because this show’s about the power of friendship we can see that friendship’s the key to overcoming your childhood trauma and is also the key to unlocking great powers.

Cool stuff, isn’t it?

So yes, pick Vividred Operation up nowwwwww!

Now to clear the rest of the Winter backlog. Man, this is going to take some time.